2015 -- BRITO, Natalia. Mazetto.; Curitiba: PUCPR, 2015. Mentored by Professor Haroldo Osmar de Paula Junior, Philosophy, Bioethics, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná.
BRITO, Natalia. Mazetto.; PAULA JUNIOR, Haroldo. O. A crise ambiental é uma consequência do progresso? uma análise do problema segundo Hans Jonas. In: SEMINÁRIO DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA - SEMIC, 23., 2015, Curitiba: PUCPR, 2015. p. FILO20. ISSN 2176-1930.
a crise ambiental é uma consequência do progresso? uma análise do problema segundo hans jonas
the environmental crisis is a consequence of progress? one problem analysis seconds hans jonas
BRITO, Natalia Mazetto de1; PAULA JUNIOR, Haroldo Osmar de2
PIBIC - Opção para Iniciação Científica Voluntária
Introduction: The stimulation of Hans Jonas is to make us think and research regarding the problem of ethical responsibility on the technical and philosophical biology, dealing with what life is. Where it has no claim to encompass the entire process, but to lead us to our own conclusions about it. And during the reading created at various times questions that are not answered by the author. All this in a compound of texts divided into books that should not be analyzed separately, but as a whole, to thereby understand the context of his philosophy. At the beginning of ethics, appreciation of human behavior was a priority in the sphere of polis, which was the very locus of ethics. Thus, any study or thought facing nonhuman objects was not ethically significant. According to Kant, he had an idea of ethics that does not necessarily attributed to the studies, but the consciousness of people. Thus we encounter a traditional anthropocentric ethics, referring to man relationship with man, ignoring the relationship with nature or with future societies and so Jonas criticizes both. Thus the author shows root to the idea that modern technique, to be an exercise of human power, can have negative effects for humanity, their future generations and nature and so maybe if I did need a ´dictatorship´ Environmental - laws that require us to make conscious attitudes towards nature. Concluding that the principle responsibility brings the responsibility of every human being to himself is inseparable (no splits; alone means nothing; it´s common) that one should have in relation to everyone else. Thus, one can not escape the responsibility of classroom and individual acts that should be an ethic of each in relation to their care with nature and with one another.
Objectives: Faced with the problem presented, the goal of this research is to investigate what causes the impulse or desire of an infinite movement by technological development, the nature of this impulse, how it effective and what is the philosophical significance of these facts (which will culminate with the importance from an ethical point of view). Hans Jonas says it´s not fair that the account of our work in the world today is paid by future generations. In addition, it wants to investigate whether it can be said that progress is the main cause of serious environmental problems.
Methods: Starting search based on the reading and analysis of Hans Jonas books; "The Responsibility Principle", "Life Principle" and "Technical, and Medical Ethics", as well as extra reading the book "Understanding Hans Jonas" by the Professor Jelson Oliveira. Although the participation of the study group "Ethics, technique and Nature in Hans Jonas" during the survey period. Integrating also the conference given by Professor Clademir Araldi "We still live in nihilism" on March 23 and the short course "Hans Jonas and the Anthology of Life" with the Italian Professor Dr. Roberto Tibaldeo on 19 and 20 May. As well as extra research on the philosophy of concepts with books on introduction to philosophy, ethics and bioethics that gave a more theoretical basis for research. This helped to discern some key positions to prepare this written work and is essential to understanding questions both about the life of the philosopher, as his works and inquiries. Another important issue for the outcome of it was the orientation meetings with the Professor Haroldo de Paula Junior, who put valuable aspects on the agenda. Thus, the understanding of the research problem was satisfactory, however there is more to be researched and discussed.
Results: We must realize that our actions reflect significantly, if not at all, to the perpetuation of the species and that these actions should not jeopardize the future life, but also the continuity of mankind.
Keywords: Technical. technological development. environmental crisis. ethics. philosophy. Hans Jonas.
SEMIC 2015 -- link : https://cip.pucpr.br/semic/index.php/semic/view/0008422